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At H.E.A.T. Ministries, we believe that it is just as important to sow seed of praise and/or prayer as it is to sow your offering.  During service, we give time for anyone to submit their testimony or requests into our Faith Box.  

You can do the same thing here, anonymously, and have not only us rejoice with or pray for you, but our members as well. 

There is power in unity.

We faithfully believe God tocontinue blessing you and to meet your needs through prayer.

Spiritual Boost Prayer Conference Call
Every Wednesday at 9pm Eastern
1-712-432-3066  Access: 516306#

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Healing, Finances
posted by: Phil Chavez on 2/12/2020

Healing for Hearing loss, Memory, Bad Posture, Back Pain, Memory, Blood Pressure and others )Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for Lorraine Chavez now in Jesus Name. Pray Debt be gone from Lorraine Chavez in Jesus Name. Lorraine Chavez Possessions(House,Cars,Appliances Ext.) last a 100 times longer and become newer each day now in Jesus Name. I pray for Lorraine Chavez. I pray God for excellent health and wellness. I pray for your right hand of protection and continued healing over Lorraine. I plead the blood of Jesus over Lorraine and may she continually sense your presence and experience your goodness. I pray God that you will supernaturally cancel Lorraine's debt. I pray God that you will help Lorraine to pay off her debt as she is a good steward of the money you've given her. I thank you Lord for financial freedom over Lorraine and for favoring and providing for her. Thank you Lord for your abundance from Heaven as you shower Lorraine with your love and power and assistance from on High.
I will pray 60 people are praying.
personal prayer
posted by: brenda morris on 2/5/2020

please pray that i find a place to stay before its too late pray that my income comes in time also for my health problems and that i find my wallet also that i sell all the furniture in the house also that i find someone to love me for me and have a family of my own
I will pray 66 people are praying.
posted by: Kenneth Wilson on 6/21/2019

Pray for Our Country the United States of America to humble ourselves and turn to god. Pray for our Grandmother Lenora’s families and friends for strength and comfort in their time of need. Pray for Israel and the Jewish people Pray for the family of Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein For strength and comfort. . Pray for peace and comfort during this difficult time. Pray for my family and for those who are sick for healing. Pray for the family and friend of a 15 years old who took her life for strength and comfort in their time of need. Pray for my mother and my father and their health, deliverance from alcohol addiction and needs. Pray for my older sister and her husband, pray for her two daughters and three sons. Pray for my nephew who is having suicidal thoughts for peace in his life. Pray for my little sister and her friend. Prayer for my brother for deliverance from any addiction and salvation, and pray for his girlfriend and his two baby sons for hedge of protection. . Pray for my relationship with my next door neighbor for our relationship to grow stronger and better than it has ever been. Help us draw closer together than ever before. Pray that we won't break apart for our love to be better than ever and her behavior and choices. Also pray for a miracle for our relationship and our love to be more intimate. Pray for how my neighbor has treated me and how to love me more than before. Pray that nothing and no one will tear us apart. Pray for pulling down the strongholds and soul ties in her life. Stop all the wrongful and hurtful things that have been destroying our relationship. Set my neighbor free from the world of the enemy, from bad company and influences, from soul ties, and the things of the world. Pray that my neighbor won’t leave me and to bring us together each day. Pray for restoration of what we had together and to bring our hearts together. Pray for my neighbor and her whole family for deliverance from any wickedness and rebellion, salvation also draws closer together to do things the godly way. Pray for my neighbor's brother, cousins, and others. Pray for the children and teenagers at the school and in community that come from a dysfunctional for deliverance from wickedness and rebellion. Pray for salvation family members for deliverance for addiction and to turn their life around. Pray for my coworker for spiritual guidance and wisdom. Pray for Myself. Bless all the loving couples.
I will pray 87 people are praying.
Strength and guidance
posted by: Christine on 6/18/2019

Please pray for my daughter and I to remain safe while having no other option but to live in our home with my abusive, addiction ridden husband. I pray that God continues to wrap his arms tight around my daughter and I and continues to led me down his path of living a happy, free life with my beautiful angel of a daughter. I pray for forgiveness for being weak minded and allowing the devil to come back into my life in the form of my husband. I pray for clarity, peace at mind, and happiness again. Please also pray for my friend, a member of your church, Angelique. Pray that she continues to find the strength within herself to continue to abide by Gods word and guidance to help her through her struggles and obstacles she may face. I pray for peace for her and her family, I pray God to continue to protect her and her family and offer her clarity as well as freedom from her past endeavors. In the Lords name I pray and give thanks to you my Lord, for I am nothing without you my Lord Jesus Christ, thank you Jesus for all that you have done for me, amen. Bless this church and the members and souls that may enter it.
I will pray 86 people are praying.
posted by: many on 6/4/2019

Please pray for Jay and Lima that God will help them in these areas now and lifelong: (1) their relationship with Jesus, each other, their kids and grandkids, co-workers and all (2) protection, health, safety (3) that God will bring people into their lives to help them, that will help them as they are facing impossible difficulties and more than one area (4) that God will protect and build their love for each other that they have had for decades, and that God will not allow the problems the face or other people to interfere with their love for each other (5) THAT God will help them breakthrough successfully and peacefully and unified in all marriage issues they are facing, both the good things and bad things (6) that God will increase the Presence and work of the Holy Spirit in them AND really help them progress forward into God’s purposes for their lives, in every part of their lives (7) for unshakable peace that never goes away (8) that God will help their kids and grandkids to somehow make a real and right connection to Jesus AND also help their kids to stop making very bad decisions and harmful lifestyle choices. Pray their kids will stop cursing at them and stop being cruel and vengeful. The kids were spoiled and in trouble from high school and even now, years later. Pray God will deliver the kids from reckless partying, drunkenness, drugs, reckless sexual activities. These grown children NEED God to rescue them, pray God will rescue them NOW, and help them to not be able to go on in destructive and dangerous living, and bring them to come to know Jesus (9) pray God will protect Jay and Lima’s hearts and minds from putting pressure on themselves that is unnecessary and that God will protect them from all confusion and from feeling obligated to things they are not obligated to(10) and pray for Jay, Lima, their descendants, and their older parents, their siblings and families and all their people, that God will help all of them Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, with God’s purposes for their lives and in ALL other areas of life (11) pray also for me and Belo that God will protect and guide us, give us help with every day life issues, help our kids serve Jesus and not get lost in the wrong way, and help all our families in all possible ways and help ALL of us in ALL areas of our lives too. (12) Pray God will presently and endlessly send the Holy Spirit down to move in great love and supernatural power into the hearts, minds, spirits and souls of all people in and from the United States, Argentina, Islas Malvinas, the UK, the EU, Australia and the whole world. thank you
I will pray 89 people are praying.
Miracle healing
posted by: Sevil on 3/10/2019

Please pray for my mom's heart healing.Pray her test will come healthy and she won't need any kind of surgery her name is Rizida. I appreciate your prayers very much.
I will pray 98 people are praying.
posted by: on 1/23/2019

Father,In ur mercy hear my prayer, please continue to watch over our son today and every day. Please let him settle well into his transfer and job and may all the staff &HR be good to him. Give him the strength, guidance, confidence, direction, support and protection that he needs. Thank you for all your continued support through his work . Help him to make some new friends and be more confident and comfortable in himself. Let him be content and happy. have good relationship with his sis &family.thanks
I will pray 101 people are praying.
Prayer for salvation and repentance
posted by: Angela Hughes on 11/4/2018

Please pray urgently for my brother Mike he is strung out on drugs pray that he be delivered and repent for his sins. Also pray for my sister Tracey she is on drugs and her marriage is in trouble both her and her husband have been unfaithful in their marriage and are separated and now my sister is living with her daughters ex boy friend who is also on drugs. Their actions are destroying the family. Please pray for them to humble themselves before the Lord and repent and forgive each other. Pray that this ungodly relationship between my sister and her daughters ex boy friend ends. Pray that the drug addition and alcohol abuse would end and that they will be healed in all areas of their lives. Please pray the enemy would be defeated and righteousness and holiness would be restored to our family. In Jesus Name Amen
I will pray 101 people are praying.
Prayer for healing
posted by: Christine on 8/28/2018

Hello, Could you please pray for me. I have told God that I trust that he has healed me although the symptoms remain. My hand is red white and patchy, itchy and swells. My nails have purple moons and I feel pressure under my nails.I have dry skin and at times my hand and legs burn. My circulation especially my right hand is very poor I have blood vessels appearing on my face. I have to wait 3 weeks to see a specialist. I suspect chronic autoimmune disease and I ask please that you stand with me that I am 100% cured by the blood of Jesus Christ. I know God is real but I am very frightened I know he is my Jehovah Rapha Thank you
I will pray 112 people are praying.
posted by: myra moss on 8/8/2018

Please pray for my daughter!!!! She has real bad anxiety, panic attacks, bipolar and is now having some other heart health problems, She hasn't always made smart choices in her life but really seems to be doing better. As a mom I lay awake at night worrying and praying she continues to improve. The more she seem to try the worse things seem to get. It's like she has bad luck following her. Please pray her health improves and she is healed. Pray that things get better and that she knows that with God all things are possible. Pray she finds the strength to overcome anything. Just pray that she finds peace in her life. She has a very loving heart and go out of her way to help anyone. Pray for me to find peace with it all and not worry about everything.
I will pray 123 people are praying.
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